
Flaxon Ptootch Events : Fracking Debate – THE TRUTH at flaxonptootch

The hysteria surrounding hydraulic fracturing has reached fever pitch over the last couple of years, with the energy companies promising loads of cheap gas and an end to Arabian and Russian dependency, while the environmentalists talk of earthquakes and polluted water tables, No-one trusts the media any-more and you can’t be sure of what you read on the internet. Where is THE TRUTH? Two friends of the ptootch just happen to be the most knowledgeable people in the country on the matter,and they agreed to come and educate us. And they were more than happy to debate with us and each other until THE TRUTH got a bit clearer. John Carr-West from the Local Government information Unit mediated admirably..

Andrew Hunter – Chairman and founder of Argent Energy.
A graduate of the European Business School, Andy worked for Security Pacific Hoare Govett broking European equities and then spent nine years at Hillsdown Holdings plc in many roles culminating as an operations executive on the management board. He co-led a £90m management buy-out in 1997 creating Argent Group Europe Limited and was its Joint Managing Director. - http://www.argentenergy.com/

Jamie Kelsey-Fry is a contributing editor at New Internationalist magazine, an active citizenship teacher and grassroots campaigner. His current work is mainly focused on challenging the pro-fracking PR and lobbying blitzkrieg by the call for more genuine public debate and more independent scientific research into the long-term effects of unconventional gas and oil extraction. - http://jamiekelseyfry.org/

Dr Jonathan Carr-West, Chief Executive: Jonathan leads on all aspects of the LGiU’s policy, membership and influence. Prior to being appointed as Chief Executive Jonathan was Director of Policy leading LGiU’s research and consultancy, policy development and piloting, best practice dissemination, learning and development, media comment and lobbying. - http://www.lgiu.org.uk/